
Monday, May 16, 2016

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Monday, March 21, 2016

Cow Wars

Parashuram Uncle Vishvamitra War with Vashista War for Cow

Parashuram wiped the Kshatriyas as they harassed Cows

He has been a Guru to
  1. Bhishma Previous Birth Stealing Cow form Vashishta 
  2. Dronacharya with Drupada for Cow Donation 
  3. Karna Cursed for accidently killing Cow 
In Future Parashuram disciple Kalki Bhagawan will wage war for Cow Protection

Sunday, March 20, 2016


Sandals and Umberla

O Pitamaha! Generally, during Pitru ceremonies, chappals and umbrellas are given in charity to Brahmins. Why chappals and umbrellas are chosen for charity. Kindly explain.” asked Dharmaja.

“O Dharmaja! In this connection, I narrate a conversation between Sun and Saint Jamadagni. Once Jamadagni along with his wife Renuka, went far away from their Ashram for a stroll. Jamadagni was holding his bow and Renuka was holding the arrows pouch. While Jamadagni was releasing arrows from his bow, Renuka was collecting the arrows.

This went on upto midday. Sun was shining bright and hot in the middle of the sky. During that hot son, there was some delay in bringing the arrows.

“Why so much delay?” asked Jamadagni.

“The sun is hot. My feet are burning. Hence I stood under a tree for a while. Hence the delay.” replied Renuka.

Jamadagni grew angry. “What! Sun caused your feet burning and pained you. I will teach a lesson to Sun. I will cover the entire Sun with my arrows.” roared Jamadagni.

Sun heard these words and arrived there under the guise of a Brahmin. “O Saint Jamadagni! kindly subside your anger against Sun” requested the Brahmin (Sun).

“Go away. I will pull down the Sun from sky to earth” said Jamadagni.

“O Saint! You are a saint. How can you get anger! Due to the heat of Sun only, the waters in the Seas are transformed into clouds and giving us water in the form of rain. Otherwise, how can we get drinking water and water for cultivation. Therefore, heat of sun is a must.” said Brahmin (Sun). But Jamadagni was not convinced. Then Sun appeared before Jamadagni in his original form.

“O saint Jamadagni! I am Sun. Kindly excuse me if any wrong is committed by me. Kindly receive these two things. These are umbrella and chappals. These two things protect humans from hot sun. If chappals and umbrellas are given to brahmins, attainment of Punya is certain.”said Sun. Jamadagni was very happy.

Dharmaja! in that manner, umbrella and chappals were created by Sun.” said Bhishma.

Saturday, February 6, 2016


  1. Satyuga : Liberated Sahastrabahu
  2. Tretayuga : Bow to Rama
  3. Dwaparyuga : Chakra to Krishna
  4. Kaliyuga : Martial Guru of Kalki